In many areas of the world girls and women lack access to disposable feminine hygiene supplies. Disposable supplies are either not available or unaffordable. Items used may be leaves, feathers, mattress stuffing, or others, but very often she stays home in dread of a mishap. A girl who has the good fortune to attend secondary school may miss two months of education annually due to her monthly period.
Rapidly she falls behind.
In 2015, Health & Hope Foundation was established as NW Edmonds, WA Days for Girls Chapter. Our volunteers make Days for Girls washable feminine hygiene kits which are provided to school girls and women in villages and communities of our Healthcare Outreach locations.
"Empower Her" Results :
2022 - 600 kits delivered to girls and women attending Tumaini Tutor School, Lumalya Secondary School, mid-wife centers, and Health & Hope Women's Business Groups in Mwanza, Tanzania.
2020 and 2021 - Throughout the pandemic volunteers continued to make hundreds of kits for distribution in anticipation of the lifting of COVID travel restrictions.
2019 - 602 kits were provided to Tanzanian Masai women of Nainokanoka Village, girls and women attending HHF Healthcare Outreaches in Mwanza and Kangetutya Village, Tumaini Tutor School students, their extended community, and local midwives to provide to their patients. Days for Girls Chapters of Bellingham, Lynnwood, and Everett, WA joined forces with us to make this happen. Thank you, Volunteers!
2018 - 565 kits were provided to girls and women attending HHF Healthcare Outreach in Tanzania and on location to secondary school girls in Bunda and Mwanza, TZ. Days for Girls teams in Lynnwood, WA Bellingham, WA, and Durango, CO joined the HHF/NW Edmonds Team to accomplish this amazing goal. A 2-day sewing clinic was held for Tanzanian women to learn to make the Days for Girls kit.
2017 - 800 kits provided to girls and women attending HHF Healthcare Outreach and within maternity wards in Nyarugusu Refugee Camp and Mwanza, Tanzania. Days for Girls teams in Lynnwood, Everett, Anacortes, Kent, Bellingham, and Lynden joined us to meet and surpass our goals.
2016 - 206 kits for delivered HHF Healthcare Team in Tanzania. Kits were provided to 180 girls of Saba Saba School, and 20 young women of Mwanza Hotel Management College. Cut pieces for 300 kits were given to Tumaini Tailor School to sew, assemble and deliver within their community.
2015 - 201 washable feminine kits and education delivered to 100 Maasai women and 101 additional Tanzanian girls and women, including all the girls attending HHF Tumaini Orphan Tutor School.