We are Passionate about Healthcare
Health & Hope Foundation delivers healthcare outreach via portable clinics to people with limited access to health services. Clinic locations are based on extreme poverty or distance to care, which makes these individuals the most vulnerable. Healthcare is tightly linked with education to prevent disease and impact sustainable change. Volunteers change lives by providing medical, dental, and vision care as they experience cultural immersion in adventure travel.
Dental Care
Health & Hope volunteer oral surgeons and dentists impact change and provide healthy smiles with dental treatments that relieve pain to improve health and nutrition, restoring teeth for comfort for hundreds of people each year. Our preventative dental program includes cleanings, decay prevention treatments, and sealants. Continuing Dental Education Credit is available to dentists and dental hygienists through the University of Washington.

Vision Care
Vision care is our most requested health need. Our vision specialists provide glasses to correct both near and far-sighted needs. Cataract surgery and additional ophthalmic needs are accomplished through coordination with local providers. Education is provided to prevent eye diseases from allergy conjunctivitis to causes of blindness.

Women's Medical Care
Cervical cancer screening, child, maternity, or general exams, non-invasive treatments, family planning, preventative care, and education are provided.

Community Preventative Medicine
Education and supplies are provided to help communities prevent the spread of disease. Community First Aid classes and kits are provided creating “First Responders” helping to prevent injury complications. Community water sources are tested for safety. Tools are provided to treat unsafe water, and handwash stations are placed where latrines lack plumbing for handwashing. De-worming clinics dispensing over 1000 doses of medication annually improve childhood nutrition.